Independent Medical Office Solutions
*Bend *Keizer *Eugene *Tigard *Medford *Klamath Falls

The IMOS Story
Independent Medical Office Solutions is not an IME Company. IMOS services nineteen different IME Companies nationwide by offering office space for IMOS physicians to perform independent medical evaluations, and office space for traveling physicians as well. Currently, physicians who perform IME's at our facilities include Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, PMRs, Hand Specialists, Internal Medicine Physicians, Psychologists, Chiropractors and more.
IMOS was developed in an effort to help doctors who perform IMEs to fill their scheduled day. Doctors choose their own dates, times, number of claimants per day, days per month, and locations. IMOS has offices in Bend, Medford, Eugene, Keizer, and Tigard. (IMOS' main office is located at the Pilot Butte Medical Center, 2275 NE Doctors Drive, Suite 4, Bend). Doctors can choose to work in one or all locations. Lisa Belt Owner/President, handles scheduling for all locations.
IMOS is also available for rental to traveling Physicians for office work in all locations.